At the present time, a perfect smile can be our best presentation card. At Beniloix Dental have last generation materials, and the most avant-garde techniques, so that the result of any procedure it is the perfection.

Our specialists in aesthetics manage all relevant techniques, focusing exclusively on getting the best solution for each patient. Their high qualification and perfectionism make them to be constantly training.

The demand and concern of patients regarding aesthetic dentistry is increasing year after year. The recognition of our patients and their recommendations confirm this.

Dental veneers

When one to several teeth have shape´s alterations, color or size, it has suffered some breakage, we can restore it by dental veneers.

The veneers are ultrafine sheets that are placed on the surface of the teeth, their function is to hide your teeth and achieve a perfect aesthetic.

It is a quick and non-invasive treatment and can be with a special material (composite) or porcelain.

Teeth whitening

Overtime, the teeth get a yellowish and matte color, this is common, and only can be stopped by taking care of our habits and our hygiene.

There are several types of whitening, so we recommend you by consulting us in order to advise the better kind of whitening for your characteristics and expectations.

Whitening effects are very long lasting and can be prolonged with periodic maintenance sessions.

Welcome to our dental clinic in Benidorm